UX/UI Expert


Become an un-ignorable UX/UI designer without spending $10k+

Trusted by designers from top companies
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Start your journey by learning how to pick case studies that stand the hell out in under 2 hours.
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Define your uniqueness & path
Envision your end goal
Identify your target companies
Pick the perfect case studies for you
FigJam + PDF workbooks
Pros & cons of desktop vs. mobile
Assess your UX confidence
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UX/UI Expert is FULL
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Build a standout UX portfolio
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Job hunt & networking strategies
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Become job ready
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2 monthly live events
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Live event recordings
Orange check mark
Intro to design systems (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Mastering the mental game (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Eligible for an apprenticeship (Add-on)
Become an un-ignorable UX designer and build the skills to land your dream job. Built for those who want flexibility.
Enroll now
Everything in
Orange check mark
Learn UX & UI design
Orange check mark
Design un-ignorable UX projects
Orange check mark
Craft a standout UX portfolio
Orange check mark
Network your way into a 6-figure career
Orange check mark
4 monthly live events
Orange check mark
20-min 1-on-1 kickoff call
Orange check mark
Kickass community
Orange check mark
Peer partner-up system
Orange check mark
120+ video lessons
Orange check mark
Kits, templates, & workbooks
Orange check mark
Live event recordings
Orange check mark
Unlock kickass rewards
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Eligible for an apprenticeship (Add-on)
Orange check mark
Lyssna access for Quarterly & Yearly plans ($1,050 value)
Join the waitlist
UX/UI Expert is FULL
Join the waitlist to be informed when new seats open.
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Build a standout UX portfolio
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Job hunt & networking strategies
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Become job ready
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2 monthly live events
Orange check mark
Live event recordings
Orange check mark
Intro to design systems (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Mastering the mental game (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Eligible for an apprenticeship (Add-on)
1 payment of $499 every 3 months
Become an un-ignorable UX designer and build the skills to land your dream job. Built for those who want flexibility.
Enroll now
Everything in
Orange check mark
Learn UX & UI design
Orange check mark
Design un-ignorable UX projects
Orange check mark
Craft a standout UX portfolio
Orange check mark
Network your way into a 6-figure career
Orange check mark
4 monthly live events
Orange check mark
20-min 1-on-1 kickoff call
Orange check mark
Kickass community
Orange check mark
Peer partner-up system
Orange check mark
120+ video lessons
Orange check mark
Kits, templates, & workbooks
Orange check mark
Live event recordings
Orange check mark
Unlock kickass rewards
Orange check mark
Eligible for an apprenticeship (Add-on)
Orange check mark
Lyssna access for Quarterly & Yearly plans ($1,050 value)
Join the waitlist
UX/UI Expert is FULL
Join the waitlist to be informed when new seats open.
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Build a standout UX portfolio
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Job hunt & networking strategies
Orange check mark
Become job ready
Orange check mark
2 monthly live events
Orange check mark
Live event recordings
Orange check mark
Intro to design systems (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Mastering the mental game (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Eligible for an apprenticeship (Add-on)
1 payment of $1,499 per year
Become an un-ignorable UX designer and build the skills to land your dream job. Built for those who want flexibility.
Enroll now
Everything in
Orange check mark
Learn UX & UI design
Orange check mark
Design un-ignorable UX projects
Orange check mark
Craft a standout UX portfolio
Orange check mark
Network your way into a 6-figure career
Orange check mark
4 monthly live events
Orange check mark
20-min 1-on-1 kickoff call
Orange check mark
Kickass community
Orange check mark
Peer partner-up system
Orange check mark
120+ video lessons
Orange check mark
Kits, templates, & workbooks
Orange check mark
Live event recordings
Orange check mark
Unlock kickass rewards
Orange check mark
Eligible for an apprenticeship (Add-on)
Orange check mark
Lyssna access for Quarterly & Yearly plans ($1,050 value)
Join the waitlist
UX/UI Expert is FULL
Join the waitlist to be informed when new seats open.
Orange check mark
Build a standout UX portfolio
Orange check mark
Job hunt & networking strategies
Orange check mark
Become job ready
Orange check mark
2 monthly live events
Orange check mark
Live event recordings
Orange check mark
Intro to design systems (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Mastering the mental game (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Eligible for an apprenticeship (Add-on)
One-time payment
Become an un-ignorable UX designer and build the skills to land your dream job. Built for the ultimate career leap.
Enroll now
Everything in
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LIFETIME access to videos & content
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2-YEAR mentorship & community access
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Priority DM mentorship responses
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5 hrs of 1-on-1 mentorship ($750 value)
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FREE apprenticeship access ($250 value)
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Lyssna access ($1,050 value)
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INSTANT access to all Kickass Rewards
Join the waitlist
UX/UI Expert is FULL
Join the waitlist to be informed when new seats open.
Orange check mark
Build a standout UX portfolio
Orange check mark
Job hunt & networking strategies
Orange check mark
Become job ready
Orange check mark
2 monthly live events
Orange check mark
Live event recordings
Orange check mark
Intro to design systems (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Mastering the mental game (Bonus)
Orange check mark
Eligible for an apprenticeship (Add-on)

Creator Protection Guarantee

Many UX courses and bootcamps provide complex and opaque guarantees. Not us.

See guarantee details
365-day guarantee
Finished the program and not feeling confident in your UX skills? You're protected by our 365-day guarantee. Get a full refund of your investment plus an extra $200 on us.
Creator Protection sticker

What the FAQ?!

Any questions on your mind? Check out our FAQ or directly reach out to us. We’d be happy to help!

Buying guide

Should I get the PRO or CAREER plan?

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You can't go wrong with the PRO plan. It has everything you need to become an un-ignorable UX/UI designer.

The CAREER plan is for you if you want to have lifetime access to the content, get extra support from us (1-on-1 mentorship and priority DM support), get a guaranteed apprenticeship, and instant access to all of the Kickass Rewards.

Should I get a monthly, quarterly, or yearly plan?

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Mastering UX requires an investment of time. How much time, you ask? Find the answer in the FAQ section right below this.

How long does it take to complete the program?

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UX/UI Expert is a self-paced program.

You can choose to go as slow or fast as you want!

If you're just starting out, it will take longer than someone who has already gone through a bootcamp or university program.

Completing the PRO plan will take you:

  • ~12 months if you have a full-time job + you’re a parent
  • ~ 8 months if you have a full-time job
  • ~ 6 months is you have a part-time job or you're unemployed

There's a ton of information about UX online. Why should I join this program?

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Finding your way into a UX job can feel like a you’re walking blindfolded through a crowded room.

For aspiring UX designers, the internet can be a mixed bag of advice. It's like trying to choose the best path when the signs are all pointing different ways—confusing!

And if you're learning solo, it's easy to feel like you're flying blind without a roadmap, feedback, or someone to turn to for advice. Questions like “Am I nailing this?” or “Could I do better?” are totally normal. We get it—the UX world can seem like a maze, especially with the competition out there

That's why we came up with UX/UI Expert. It's here to put an end to the wild goose chase from one learning source to another. Our program is like a trusted friend, giving you the confidence and guidance you need to navigate the exciting journey into the world of UX.

I’m already enrolled in a bootcamp. Will this program help me?

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Many of our students have previously enrolled in well-known bootcamps. They’ve been pleasantly surprised by the distinct and profound impact of our program. In fact, a number of them have even made the decision to transition away from their bootcamp experiences—that's a testament to the value they've found here.

So, absolutely! We hold a strong belief that the UX/UI Expert program will empower you to differentiate yourself and help you build the skills necessary to land your dream UX job.

I already learned UX but struggle to land a job. Is this program for me?

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We're genuinely sorry to learn that your prior bootcamp or university experience didn't pave the way for your success as you had hoped.

We understand the situation all too well. The field of UX sees a flood of applicants, and while many institutions teach the principles of UX, they often fall short on guiding you toward standing out in the crowd.

In the bustling world of UX, where competition is fierce, securing a job requires more than just basic knowledge. It demands a strategic approach—a deep grasp of UX methodologies and a portfolio that radiates a unique personal brand. Surprisingly, these crucial aspects often remain overlooked by many bootcamps and universities.

This is where our program shines. We firmly believe in its potential to make a difference in your journey, even if you've previously attended a renowned bootcamp or university. Our approach is rooted in empowering you with the strategies and insights that truly set you apart in the UX market.

Who is this UX/UI Expert NOT for?

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UX/UI Expert isn't a fit for everyone.

It's NOT designed for those who tend to procrastinate and hesitate to take decisive action. It's also not the right fit for individuals who passively watch videos without putting in the necessary effort.

We're dedicated to working with individuals who are committed to their growth and career enhancement. Our program is tailored to those who are proactive, ready to invest time and energy into themselves, and are determined to drive positive change in their career.

It's important to recognize that building a robust skillset requires dedication and effort.

If you don't invest the time and commitment, the chances of positioning yourself for a successful transition into a UX job will be significantly diminished. The choice lies with you, determining the outcome you ultimately seek.

Apprenticeship FAQ

What’s Tech Fleet?

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Tech Fleet's a nonprofit that helps you gain real world experience no matter who you are.
You can build team experience working on Tech Fleet teams solving problems with clients. The community works with other nonprofit clients and builds open source software for the public good.

Tech Fleet is a proving ground for the real world. Join project teams to practice industry skills with your peers with support from the community.

Am I eligible for an apprenticeship? What's the cost? Is it free?!

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To be eligible for a guaranteed apprenticeship, you must:

  • Have been enrolled in UX/UI Expert PRO for at least 3 months
  • Have completed 1 end-to-end case study as part of this program
  • Attended our 30-minute expert review



If accepted, you can choose to secure your apprenticeship for $250.

We don't take a commission; all funds go directly to Tech Fleet'.

P.S. Tech Fleet is a non-profit organization, so the $250 helps them continue offering apprenticeships for aspiring designers.



Wait, but Tech Fleet’s website says:

“What does it cost to train in Tech Fleet? Today it doesn't cost anything! You'll pay it forward by volunteering time to help peers in the community. We're working on a way to sustain growth through paid dues in the future.”

So why do I have to pay $250 to get an apprenticeship?

We've partnered with Tech Fleet to give our students a guaranteed apprenticeship.

Usually, people in the Tech Fleet community take 2-4 months before they get on an apprenticeship, and a lot are still waiting to get one.

Thanks to our partnership with them, they guarantee the apprenticeship so you don't have to apply and wait to hear back.

In a nutshell, the $250 fee guarantees and fast-tracks your apprenticeship!

If I sign up for an apprenticeship, what should I expect?

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Typically, it’ll take ~4 weeks after you apply before the project kicks off.

In the meantime, you can get involved in the Tech Fleet Community! You’re encouraged to read the user guide, become an observer, and watch the onboarding videos before their apprenticeship begins.

A couple weeks before the project kicks off, the leads and apprentices will get together to start onboarding to the project and setting up their own working schedules. The project management team takes care of facilitating this.

More FAQs

Is UX right for me?

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Creatives are incredibly well-positioned to become top-performing UX designers.

But, UX isn’t for everyone. To find out if it’s right for you, try our free UX design course and see what you think!

What’s the refund policy?

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With UX/UI Expert, your investment is covered with our Creator Protection guarantee.

We're so confident you'll love the program that you can request a refund at any time during the first 365 days of the enrollment date.

If in those 365 days, you finished the program and you’re not feeling confident in your UX skills, you can request to get a full refund plus an extra $200 on us.

Read the full guarantee details

Can my employer pay for the program?

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Absolutely! Many companies are willing to invest in your continued education.

And, if you need extra help convincing them to pay, you get to choose the projects you work on during our program. That means you could work on a company project starting day one.

Do I have access to the materials once my PRO subscription expires?

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Once your subscription comes to an end, you'll maintain access to the kits and workbooks you've downloaded.

However, access to the community, live events, video content, and additional resources will no longer be available. A bit like Netflix or Spotify! 😉

What are the live events like? At what time are they?

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We host a morning and evening call every other Thursday (4 calls a month). The first call is at 10-11am PST and the second is the same day from 4-5pm PST.

They are designed to help you on your UX projects and take your skills to the next level. Ask us questions, get unblocked, and keep crushing your UX goals.

What will I come out with at this end of the program?

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You’ll come out of this program with best-in-class UX case studies that you can wholly call your own. You’ll work on the projects that genuinely interest you and not pre-canned projects.

You’ll also have a portfolio that stands out from the crowd. So many portfolios out there look the same. In that sea of sameness, you’ll be able to attract the attention of hiring managers and recruiters successfully.

Finally, you’ll have all the artifacts necessary to start applying right away: resume, cover letter, socials, and the strategies to get seen by employers.

How is UX/UI Expert different from bootcamps or universities?

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We’ve designed UX/UI Expert to be the best of both worlds. It’s the speed of a bootcamp with the depth of a university program.

Bootcamps tend to glance over subjects that are critical to becoming a true UX designer. For example, while most of them teach you UI theory, it’s so basic that it’s not actionable enough.

On the other hand, university programs can be theory-heavy and less focused on applying design in the real-world. It’s common for these programs to teach you concepts that you put into practice many months later… once you’ve forgotten most of it.

With UX/UI Expert, we’re taking a completely different approach.

You work on case study subjects that you care about instead of giving you pre-made case studies. We teach you in-depth concepts using a learn-by-doing teaching style. Rapidly applying what you just learned is one of the best ways to understand and internalize concepts.